
Exploration of integrating node.js, Neo4j Graph Database, and its scripting language cypher

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Neo4j Graph-Database-Research

Exploration of Neo4j Graph Database & the cypher scripting language

Video of walk-through & use case


Example Queries

View all members(orange), skill(red) & project nodes(blue) and their relationships


View project nodes & their members

Match (m:Member)-[:MEMBER]->(p:Project) return m,p

View projects & their required skills

MATCH (p:Project)-[r:REQUIRED]->(s:Skill) RETURN p,s

Find non members of School of Code project that have the skills the project requires to find a good member-project-match

MATCH (m:Member)
MATCH (s:Skill)
MATCH(p:Project {name: 'School of Code'})
WHERE NOT (m:Member)-[:MEMBER]->(p:Project)
RETURN m,s,p