
play with physics

Primary LanguageC++

to run: 
1. go to mp3handin/418/mp3
2. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:`cd ../../libsmf;pwd`
3. ./pot (it is compiled under 64 bit ubuntu)

to compile: 
1. go to mp3handin/418/mp3
2. make clean && make

Features with corresponding key:
'1': pure texture mapping with lighting based on OpenGL API (default, cannot be switched back after loading shaders)
'2': pure environment mapping based on OpenGL API (cannot be switched back after loading shaders)
'3': texture + bump mapping + environment mapping + lighting (GLSL)
'4': toggle lighting (GLSL)
'5': toggle environment mapping (GLSL)
'6': toggle bump mapping (lighting must be on) (GLSL)

1. newmat is a open source matrix library
2. libsmf is the library I wrote to read in mesh files