SolanaUni Ai Solana Wallet Chatbot Workshop

Welcome to our Solana Wallet Ai Chatbot Workshop. This event is a part of SolanaUni's educational program and has been previously showcased at the Hacker House Taiwan and the SolanaUni Accelerator program. We're excited to share this workshop with you!

In this workshop, we are focusing on building a chatbot that interacts directly with your Solana Wallet. Our goal is to combine the powers of cutting-edge AI and the robust Solana blockchain technology to create an application that not only showcases the capabilities of these technologies but also demonstrates how they can be applied to enhance the user experience in blockchain apps.

Our chatbot application will be able to perform functions such as:

  • Fetching wallet balance
  • Transferring SOL to another wallet address
  • Requesting an airdrop of SOL

The chatbot will interact with the user through a friendly and easy-to-understand interface, bringing the complexities of blockchain transactions into a more accessible form.

We would love to see you build awesome stuff for your app using what you have learned here!


We have api keys here publically for every workshop, but they are rolled and deleted after it has concluded, you will need to get your own from

Ai Actions Chatbot from

Check out the README there for more information on how to use this, feel free to open an issue, PR, and contribute to the project!