
  • InfoGenomeR_simulation generates approximately 3000 germline SVs based on the phase 3 of the 1000 Genomes Project (by randomly selecting 1500 germline SVs from the reported SVs in phase 3 individuals and randomly generating 1500 germline SVs) and approximately 200 somatic SVs based on 140 TCGA cancer genomes (by using 13 simple and complex operations).
  • For each cancer genome, cancer purity is simulated at 60%, 75%, and 90%, and haplotype coverage is simulated at 3X, 5X, 10X, 15X, and 20X.
  • Available for GRCh37 and GRCh38.


  • ART


  • Selection of a 1000G individual and SV simulations.
  • It generates 32 simulated genomes from simul1 to simul32. Select one of them, and move to the directory.
    cd simul1
  • In the folder, related files are generated as follows.
    • germline_SVs.results.*: a simulated germline genome (tab-seperated format; coordinate1, coordinate2, cumulative length, haplotype, and chromosome).
    • SVs.results.*: a simulated cancer genome (tab-seperated format; coordinate1, coordinate2, cumulative length, haplotype, and chromosome).
    • germ_simulated.fa: a simulated germline genome in the fasta format, which is used for ART simulation.
    • simulated.fa: a simulated cancer genome in the fasta format, which is used for ART simulation.
    • true_SV_sets_dup_checked.refcoor.germline_initial_SVs_changed_size1000.int: a true germline SV set of DEL, DUP, and INV (>1kb and except ALU, LINE, and SVA insertion).
    • true_SV_sets_somatic_dup_checked.refcoor: a true somatic SV set.
    • germline_results.cnv.edited: a true germline CNV set.
    • somatic_results.cnv: a true somatic CNV set.
  • Excecute the ART simulation (3X, 5X, 10X, 15X, and 20X haplotype coverage and 0.6, 0.75, and 0.9 cancer purity), and perform BWA-MEM mapping.
  • Releated folders and files are generated.
    • germ_simulated_sorted.bam: a simulated germline BAM (in the f3, f5, f10, f15, and f20 folders).
    • simulated_sorted.bam: a simulated somatic BAM (in p0.6, p0.75, and p0.9 in the f* folders).

Simulated data

  • NA12878-based simulated data for GRCh37 and GRCh38 are deposited in Zenodo.
    • copy_numbers.control: copy number segmentation profiles from the simulated germline genome by InfoGenomeR.
    • cp_norm: genome-binning read depths from the simulated cancer genome.
    • cp_norm_germ: genome-binning read depths from the simulated cancer genome.
    • coverage.txt: genome-binning read depths for JaBbA analysis.
    • delly.format: somatic SVs detected by DELLY2.
    • manta.format: somatic SVs detected by Manta.
    • novobreak.format: somatic SVs detected by novoBreak.
    • het_snps.format: heterozygous SNPs.
    • hom_snps.format: homozygous SNPs.
    • NPE.fq1 and NPE.fq2: non-propoerly paired reads.
    • simulated_genome: related files and folders generated by the simulation code. To generate the fasta files and BAM files (not required for InfoGenomeR inputs but optional), execute following scripts.
      perl results_to_fa.pl
      perl germ_results_to_fa.pl
    • InfoGenomeR_output: output files from InfoGenomeR.