
An android app where you can look up the weather.

Primary LanguageJava


An android app where you can look up the weather.

This is a basic android app, without all the bells and whistles. I studied making apps, using js and json and handeling api's: this is the culmination of those studies.

  • signed up with openweather.org. Created an API key.
  • created an simple app with some textviews and a search button.
  • created a "background" (DataGetter) class to handle background activities:
    • created method to open the url (with api key attached) and searchresults
    • created another method to fetch the right data from the url (JSON file form)
  • in main activity, linked everything up.
  • app is done

TODO- list:

  • The Async in MainActivity needs to be a background class too - easy
  • Only one search per session, this needs to change - medium
  • Give user the ability to choose what kind of information is shown - hard