
This is an example of how to use the Software-Defined Asset APIs alongside Modern Data Stack tools (specifically, Airbyte and dbt).

blog youtube


Issue dbt tests blocking all downstream depencies when using dagster_dbt.load_assets_from_dbt_project

If a dbt model fails to run or its test fails then I still want upstream models to continue if they dont have a dependency on the failing model.

e.g. when following along to the blog we load all our assets with the dbt build command so tests run:

from dagster_dbt import load_assets_from_dbt_project


dbt_assets = load_assets_from_dbt_project(
    project_dir=DBT_PROJECT_DIR, io_manager_key="pandas_io_manager",

But as soon as i add a new model with no downstream dependencies and create a failing test then the upstream dependencies are skipped.

How do i get those upstream dependencies to continue if none of there dependencies have failed?

Example of the changes i made to blog :



To install this example and its python dependencies, run:

$ pip install -e .

Once you've done this, you can run:

run the daemon if required

export DAGSTER_HOME="/home/dave/data-engineering/dagster-modern-data-stack-assets-dg/dagster-local-file-store";
dagster-daemon run;

Run the UI

export DAGSTER_HOME="/home/dave/data-engineering/dagster-modern-data-stack-assets-dg/dagster-local-file-store";

To view this example in Dagster's UI, Dagit.

If you try to kick off a run immediately, it will fail, as there is no source data to ingest/transform, nor is there an active Airbyte connection. To get everything set up properly, read on.

dbt re data


cd mds_dbt
dbt deps
pipenv install re_data -d

run re data for the a time window (minics running this several times)

re_data run --start-date 2021-12-23 --end-date 2021-12-31

or run one off with

dbt run --models package:re_data

running re_data site

re_data overview generate --start-date 2021-12-23 --end-date 2021-12-31 --interval days:1
re_data overview serve;

re data meta key reserved by dagit issue:

File "/home/dave/.virtualenvs/dagster-modern-data-stack-assets-dg-GcWbdxwv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dagster_dbt/", line 433, in load_assets_from_dbt_manifest
    dbt_assets_def = _dbt_nodes_to_assets(
  File "/home/dave/.virtualenvs/dagster-modern-data-stack-assets-dg-GcWbdxwv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dagster_dbt/", line 272, in _dbt_nodes_to_assets
    return AssetsDefinition(
  File "/home/dave/.virtualenvs/dagster-modern-data-stack-assets-dg-GcWbdxwv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dagster/core/asset_defs/", line 97, in __init__
    self._group_names_by_key[key] = validate_group_name(group_name)
  File "/home/dave/.virtualenvs/dagster-modern-data-stack-assets-dg-GcWbdxwv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dagster/core/definitions/", line 123, in validate_group_name
    return check_valid_name(group_name)
  File "/home/dave/.virtualenvs/dagster-modern-data-stack-assets-dg-GcWbdxwv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dagster/core/definitions/", line 57, in check_valid_name
    raise DagsterInvalidDefinitionError(
dagster.core.errors.DagsterInvalidDefinitionError: "meta" is not a valid name in Dagster. It conflicts with a Dagster or python reserved keyword.

as a quick fix in dbt_dagster:


        # set the group for this asset
        group_name = _get_node_group_name(node_info)
        if group_name == 'meta':
            group_names[asset_key] = 'meta_dg_fix'
        elif group_name is not None:
            group_names[asset_key] = group_name

send a notification TBC

re_data notify slack \                                              ✘ INT  re-data-dbt-aMOho44y
--start-date 2022-06-20 \
--end-date 2022-06-27 \
--webhook-url \
--subtitle="[Optional] Daves Markdown text to be added as a subtitle in the slack message generated"

Local Postgres

To keep things running on a single machine, we'll use a local postgres instance as both the source and the destination for our data. You can imagine the "source" database as some online transactional database, and the "destination" as a data warehouse (something like Snowflake).

To get a postgres instance with the required source and destination databases running on your machine, you can run:

$ docker pull postgres
$ docker run --name mds-demo -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -d postgres
$ PGPASSWORD=password psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -d postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE postgres_replica;"


Now, you'll want to get Airbyte running locally. The full instructions can be found here, but if you just want to run some commands (in a separate terminal):

$ git clone
$ cd airbyte
$ docker-compose up

Once you've done this, you should be able to go to http://localhost:8000, and see Airbyte's UI.

Data and Connections

Now, you'll want to seed some data into the empty database you just created, and create an Airbyte connection between the source and destination databases.

There's a script provided that should handle this all for you, which you can run with:

$ python -m modern_data_stack_assets.setup_airbyte

At the end of this output, you should see something like:

Created Airbyte Connection: c90cb8a5-c516-4c1a-b243-33dfe2cfb9e8

This connection id is specific to your local setup, so you'll need to update with this value. Once you've update your file, you're good to go!