
Building a reusable example project.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


  • datahub
    • dbt
      • docs
    • great expecation validation
  • dbt metrics layer
  • re data for monitoring /
  • maybe just run great expectations at end
  • soda at end
  • slim CICD for dbt layer
  • sometimes getting failures due to locks on duckdb - look for retry logic
  • airbyte dagster have removed for now - will add in for other API data
  • great expectations on assets - waiting for dagster blog post
  • switch s3 to mino

Nice to do

  • duckdb need to create schema every time i delete the db. How to allow creating schema at same time?
  • currently using s3 client has no type hints. Could use https://pypi.org/project/boto3-stubs/
  • simplify airbyte dependencies
  • make the fake data generator path_to_fake_data dynamic

simplify airbyte dependencies

the dagit airbyte software defined asset function doesnt support adding input dependencies via the function build_airbyte_assets()

The work around is to generate the AssetDefintion for airbyte manually and pass input AssetDefinition. I couldnt alter build_airbyte_assets() to take an input AssetDefinition because the asset creation via @Asset decorator uses the params names e.g. *args instead of the original name of the AssetDefinition.

To show off


  • local development speed: pipenv install -e and update code that is imediatly available to execute in UI
  • pipeline and business logic de coupling, you can swap resources and IOManagers
  • Restart from a particular point
  • Asset aware its not just pipelines. Dagster also knows what its pipelines are generating.
  • Metadata e.g. tests results

Data Lake

legacy load into data lake

create a bucket in your s3 account and load data after generating fake data in the above step.

export bucket=dbt-template-project-data; # change this to your own bucket
aws s3 mb s3://${bucket} --region ap-southeast-2;
aws s3 cp fake-data-generation/fake-data/ s3://${bucket} --recursive;

clean up

aws s3 rm s3://${bucket} --recursive

Data Warehouse [Legeacy]

cd data-infra
docker-compose -f docker-compose.postgres-wh.yml up

docker start dbt-template-project_postgres_1


Spin up an airbyte instance.

cd data-infra
docker-compose -f docker-compose.airbyte.yml up

or get airbytes latest docker setup at:

git clone https://github.com/airbytehq/airbyte.git
cd airbyte
docker-compose up

Data transofmation dbt


dbt yaml

vscode setup for autocomplete

Data Orchistration

See data-orchistration/README.md

Data Catalog



Data Monitoring

cd ./data-transformation/fake_data_dbt;
dbt run --models package:re_data;

cant generate website not supported with duckdb Catalog Error: Scalar Function with name date does not exist!

re_data overview generate --start-date 2022-08-15 --interval days:1;
re_data overview serve;

workaround re_data & duckdb compatibility issues

this doesnt fix the issue when running re_data overview generate

error when using re_data and duckdb when creating re_data_last_stats:

Error: Parser Error: ORDER BY is not implemented for window functions!

work around add:


{% macro duckdb__percentile(percentile_field, partition_field, percent)  %}

        {{ percentile_field }}, 
        {{ percent }}) 
        over (partition by {{ partition_field }}    

{% endmacro %}


{% macro duckdb__split_and_return_nth_value(column_name, delimiter, ordinal) -%}
    str_split({{ re_data.clean_blacklist(column_name, ['"', '`'], '') }}, '{{ delimiter }}', {{ ordinal }})[2]
{%- endmacro %}

comment out in: /home/dave/data-engineering/dbt-template-project/data-transformation/fake_data_dbt/dbt_packages/re_data/models/alerts/re_data_anomalies.sql

    'turned off workaround dg' as message,
    'turned off workaround dg' as last_value_text
    {# {{ re_data.generate_anomaly_message('z.column_name', 'z.metric', 'z.last_value', 'z.last_avg') }} as message,
    {{ re_data.generate_metric_value_text('z.metric', 'z.last_value') }} as last_value_text #}