
A file hosting and sharing portal!!!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

@Author: Abhilash Nanda
@Project: A website for easy file trasaction.
@Technologies used:
	1. PHP
	2. MySQL
	3. Jquery
	4. ajax

	|--- .htaccess (rewrites url)
	|--- settings.php (configuration settings)
	|--- index.php (manages urls)
	|--- views
	|		|--- views.php (manages logic)
	|--- templates
	|		|--- _404.php					(displays 404 error)
	|		|--- base.php					(base template)
	|		|--- login.php					(inherits base.php, login template)
	|		|--- home.php					(inherits base.php, home of user)
	|		|--- status_confirmed.php		(shows if user is activated)
	|		|--- status_unconfirmed.php		(shows if user is not activated)
	|		|--- register_profile.php		(asks profile info on first login)
	|		|--- edit_profile.php			(lets user change its personal information)
	|--- scripts
	|		|--- file_upload.php 			(script to upload file to user upload directory)
	|		|--- mail_script.php 			(script to send mail of confirmation using Pear mail)
	|--- media
	|		|--- ajax_scripts
	|		|		|--- fetch_files_db.php 		(fetches users files)
	|		|		|--- fetch_files_shared 		(fetches files shared with user)
	|		|		|--- fetch_users 				(fetchs all user info except the session owner)
	|		|		|--- share_dialog_content.php 	(returns user list for share dialog)
	|		|		|--- share_data.php				(shares data with user)
	|		|		|--- unshare_data.php			(unshare data with user)
	|       | 		|--- delete_file.php			(deletes an uploaded file)
	|		|
	|		|---   css
	|		|		|--- base.css		(for base.php)
	|		|		|--- demos.css		(needed for jQuery UI)
	|		|		|--- home.css		(for home.php)
	|		|		|--- login.css		(for login.php)
	|		|		
	|		|--- images		(various required images)
	|		|
	|		|--- js (all javascript, consists of jQuery and jQueryUI js's)
	|---   lib
	|		|--- database.php 		(connects to database)
	|		|--- sessions.php		(user defined functions needed in session)
	|       |--- ti.php				(enables template inheritance in php; refer: www.phpti.com)
	|		|--- url_mapper.php		(maps urls in index.php to functions in views.php)
	|		|--- validataions.php	(handles validations)
	|--- accounts		(holds upload directories of all users)

############	HOW TO CODE		#########

**The database must be setup initially.
**All required fields in settings.php must be passed a value.

**This implementation tried to follow MVC architecture as close as possible, in this case VC, rather TV(template-view).
The logic implemented is almost completely separated from the template.

To start with, it has three important components:
1. urls:
		The url is a regex pattern along with a string which must be the name of a function in views.php inside an array.
		Ex: array("^\/$APP_NAME\/login$",'login') - consider $APP_NAME = 'php' then the url 
				/php/login --> login		(login function in view is executed)

2. view (known as controller):
		This holds all the logic that must decide which template to be displayed.

3. template (known as view):
		These are the actual webpages that are shown to the users. These are handled by the view files.

###########		HOW TO CODE TEMPLATES		##############

Templates reside in the directory "templates".
Here we make use of a special third party library called "ti.php" that enables us to inherit templates just like inheriting a class.
"ti.php" provides us with blocks which must be defined on a base skeleton page. Rest of the page can then inherit this base page and start filling the blocks.

			<?php include('ti.php') ?>
				<title><?php startblock('title') ?>Base page<?php endblock() ?></title>

			<?php include('base.php') ?>
			<?php startblock('title') ?> This is a test <?php endblock() ?>

Output of base.php:
		Base page (in title bar of browser)

Output of test.php:
		This is a test (in title bar of browser)

************ For more infomation visit: www.phpti.com	***************

############	OTHER INFOS		############

** The project must be started by filling the default requirements found in settings.php

** The "lib" directory contains library modules for trivial tasks like:
	1. Form validation
	2. database connection
	3. Useful functions in sessions.php
	4. ti.php
	5. url_mapper (this library is used by index.php to map the urls)

** The static media contents i.e. css, javascript, images and ajax helper scripts must be put in their respective directories, which can be found in "media".