
Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION


A resourceful route creator



will create the following routes:

GET    posts
POST   posts
GET    posts/create
GET    posts/{id}
GET    posts/{id}/edit
PUT    posts/{id}
PATCH  posts/{id}
DELETE posts/{id}
GET    posts/{id}/delete
// and optionally:
GET    posts.json|xml
GET    posts/123.json|xml
GET    posts/123/edit.json|xml
GET    posts/123/delete
GET    posts/new

and will map them to:


you can pass an array of options as well:

Resource::route('ox' [
	'uses'      => '\My\Custom\ControllerClass',
	'before'    => 'auth|admin',  // set before filters
	'after'     => 'tokenify',    // set after  filters
	'resources' => 'oxen',        // the resource plural name (automatically inflected if not provided)
	'action'    => 'flag|unflag'  // add extra routes to methods with the same name. Currently only GET routes are supported, but "post:flag|delete:flag" format may be added in future
    'formats'   => 'xml|json|'    // add dot separated extended routes(e.g /posts/234.xml and /posts/234.json )
    //'regex'   => '\d+'          // set validator ( not yet implemented )
    'embed'     => true|false     // if set to true, will match to methods on the parent controller instead of a separate controller
    'handles'   => 'admin'        // prefix with a namespace
    'mode'      => 'fuzzy'        // enable some extra convenience routes (e.g. GET resource/{id}/delete )

Resourceful methods are:


sub-resource methods are(e.g. comment)

@AllCommentsIndex  // subresource index as root

with the following routes:

GET    comments
GET    posts/{id}/comments
POST   posts/{id}/comments
GET    posts/create
GET    posts/{id}
GET    posts/{id}/edit
PUT    posts/{id}
PATCH  posts/{id}
DELETE posts/{id}
GET    posts/{id}/delete

no mass assigment routes are created

'Resource' will also set the named routes for the resource. For example "posts" would be set as:

if any options arr added to the "adds" field (e.g. flag):
flag_post  // maps to Controller@flag
star_post  // maps to Controller@star
for subresources:
all_resources  // index as root
resources      // index per each main resource


trailing slash support has been removed. If you need such emulation I recommend you add the following catch-all route to the end of your routes.php

Route::get('{any}', function($url){
    return Redirect::to(mb_substr($url, 0, -1), 301);
})->where('any', '(.*)\/$');