Make Limit content size in Flutter Web/Desktop/PWA, Make your app that doesn't support responsiveness more focused on content. Demo: https://flutter-web-frame.vercel.app
- 1
TextField's cursor offset is weired.
#13 opened by inho1213 - 1
- 0
how I can show a mobile frame around it?
#12 opened by qamarkhan1 - 1
issues when setting max height to zero
#11 opened by rafmsou - 6
With Flutter 3.10 MediaQuery.of(context).size shows maximum size set with Flutter Web Frame
#8 opened by mklepaczko - 1
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White background If the screen height is bigger than the maximum height that we set
#5 opened by TalebRafiepour - 1
Can not scrolling list
#4 opened by hanifmhd - 1
textfield caret not showing
#2 opened by sawirricardo - 0
Carousel slider doesn't work?
#1 opened by rhutikcodes