Pinned issues
- 4
- 0
Bug with villager's trades after deleting the mod
#154 opened by Habciak - 0
The Lost Castle (TLC) compat
#153 opened by TheGoldenKnight - 3
- 4
[Feature] Villager Trade Data - Add type "tag" and default/general trade offerings.
#150 opened by abrossimow - 1
[Feature] Automatic collection of coins?
#107 opened by Ricenami - 5
- 0
[Bug/Compatibility] Requesting a function of forbidden some items being sold in shop block or fix the nbt reset when the item bought from the shop
#138 opened by UnnamedWei - 1
Issue with trinkets and/or Custom Cursors (and maybe even NETS, haven't tested not enough trinket slots, but it might have an issue with it to)
#149 opened by TheShadyyOneYT - 0
- 1
- 0
Coins disappearing and unable to trade
#145 opened by THE2ndVILLAGEIDIOT - 0
Purse display issues
#144 opened by Jack-Chronicle - 3
AWESOME Numismatic Suggestions ✨💹
#141 opened by Kostovo - 6
- 6
- 0
Difficulty trading with villagers (phantom coins)
#142 opened by emeryplyler - 2
- 0
Config problem
#140 opened by Myakishow - 0
Suggestion: Piggy Bank quick stack button
#134 opened by Partonetrain - 2
[Crash] Crash when interacting with shop
#126 opened by SquareBall789 - 3
- 1
[Bug/Duplication] When someone break the shop block and another one opens it the money duplicates
#133 opened by UnnamedWei - 0
#132 opened by UnnamedWei - 1
Server Crash through Watchdog when player trades with Cartographer, happens in singleplayer too. Fabric 1.20.1 v0.2.12
#131 opened by JAYDEMITE - 3
- 0
[Bug/Compatibility] Simply Swords’s runic weapon can be refresh with the shop block
#123 opened by UnnamedWei - 1
Crash on creating a world
#129 opened by benio1394 - 3
[Suggestion] Disabling coin drops from illagers
#122 opened by Vampzula - 1
[Suggestion] Add a wealth ranking
#124 opened by UnnamedWei - 2
NoSuchFieldError: FORMAT
#121 opened by eatenpancreas - 2
- 8
- 8
[Urgent] Duplicate any item easily with shop block
#116 opened by UnnamedWei - 3
Coin icon covering text
#108 opened by LiviiYS - 1
Make Coin Purse Position not bound to Recipe Button - Incompat with RecipeRemover
#102 opened by xR4YM0ND - 4
[1.19.2 - Fabric Server] Crash on startup
#115 opened by loveavulsion - 8
Shop crashes the game
#97 opened by Dormdude - 2
Re: Crash Opening Shops
#113 opened by RyanSalad - 2
I found that the trading currency of other mods is still "Emerald". How can I change it to the currency in Numismatic Overhaul?
#114 opened by wsxiya - 1
Crash Opening Shops & Piggy Bank
#112 opened by RyanSalad - 1
Purse stuck to the left side of the screen
#111 opened by Zano1999 - 4
Crashes with MC Dungeons Enchantments mod
#109 opened by Davithy - 2
[Mod Support Request]
#100 opened by DarkkRevenant - 2
- 2
[1.19.2] Messes with tetra trade loot pool
#105 opened by DoctorMage - 1
Crash when booting (1.19.2)
#98 opened by Pixelidon - 2
- 1
illager invasion compat
#96 opened by Developer2704 - 2
Can I port this mod to forge?
#95 opened by Xplodin