
Docker containers for moden PHP apps 🚀

Primary LanguageMakefileMIT LicenseMIT

Docker PHP App

Basic docker containers to setup a modern PHP app (Symfony2, Laravel, etc).

Current Stack:

  • Debian Jessie
  • PHP-FPM 5.6
  • MySQL
  • nginx
  • PHPMyAdmin
  • Solr
  • Redis
  • rabbitmq
  • memcached
  • scala
  • selenuim - firefox


  1. Place your web app under apps/ and create your the appropriate nginx.conf for your app under nginx/

  2. Create an .env file from .env.distand edit it with your own config

  3. Build then run the containers:

$ make build

Then update the hosts parameter in your app config, ie for Symfony2 in app/config/parameters.yml:

database_host: mysqldb
solr_host: solr
rabbit_mq_host: rabbitmq


Custom scripts or additional extensions could be added into one of the containers build ( ie: installing more php extension or adding custom aliases.) Also you can add / remove containers.

$ make ssh container=php
$ php app/console cache:clear
$ composer install
$ make ssh container=memcached
$ memcached -u memcached -d -m 30 -l -p 11211


First have a look here.

docker-compose build is not responding or is way too slow on Mac OS X

  • Try adding this line into your /etc/hosts: localunixsocket
  • Run docker inside a linux VM, assign the VM a static ip address and use your IDE to sync files
  • Have a look into docker-sync

Composer is too slow

  • Disable xdebug (inside the container from /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/docker-php-ext-xdebug.ini)