
Spring Boot JPA application on command line implementing a car sharing service.

Primary LanguageJava


Implemented in the Java Backend Developer Track of hyperskill.org JetBrain Academy.

Project goal is to do another Spring Boot JPA project - here with Command Line and Runner.

Technology / External Libraries

  • Java 20
  • Spring Boot CommandLineRunner / JPA
  • Lombok
  • Slf4j
  • Tests with Junit-Jupiter and Mockito
  • Gradle 8.3

Program description

The application will provide a command line CRUD application that manages a car-sharing service allowing companies to rent out their cars and find customers.

Project completion

Project was completed on 18.08.23.

Repository Contents

Sources for all project tasks (4 stages) with tests and configurations.


10.08.23 Project started. Setup of build and repo with gradle on Kotlin basis.

10.08.23 Stage 1 completed. Just the creation of an H2-file database with a company table. Modelled with JPA entity and JPARepository and have Spring JPA to the DDL-creation. Take database-filename from program arguments and programatically set the spring.datasource.url property before running the SpringApplication.

14.08.23 Stage 2 completed. Have command line menus provided as Spring beans (@Controller) and have a stdin-scanner provided as bean. The CommandLineRunner uses a service to connect (query / insert) with the database vie the JPA-repository.

17.08.23 Stage 3 completed. Add second entity Car with JPA-Repository and Service, connect it via @ManyToOne and @JoinColumn to the Company-table to generate a foreign key. Expand the menu structure (a bit weird requirements).

17.08.23 Final Stage 4 completed. Third entity Customer was needed, that got its repository and service too. It has a nullable @OneToOne connection to the Car entity. Used generic AbstractMenuController to reduce menu flow complexity. Also a JQL-@Query with LEFT JOIN was needed to query available cars without altering the tables.