- 1.make menuconfig
- 2.select MT7628 board
- 3.make clean;make
- note:compile need java such as 1.7.0_79
- Press 'WPS' button when power on, then enter the failsafe web mode.
- change the sysfrq from 575Mhz to 580Mhz
- change bps to 115200,fix gpio39,40,41,42 low when startup
- add all gpio test,just press 'WPS' button with more than 7 seconds at power on
- web failsafe update mode,just press 'WPS' button with 2 to 7 seconds at power on
- web failsafe IP is
- DDR2 can be 64MB or 128MB,just select 512Mbit or 1024Mbit in menuconfig
- QQ:771992497
- mail:widora@qq.com
- twitter:https://twitter.com/mangogeek