
A loop for run a command or commands on a specified time on linux systems.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

what's Loop Commands script?

A loop for run a command or commands on a specified time on linux systems.

How use loop command script?

You can run the Loop Commands with ./loop.py command and enjoy!

List of requirements:

    - python Version > x.x.x
    - os ( python lib )
    - time ( python lib )
    - termcolor ( python lib )

How we can run Loop-Commands on Linux/Unix/Windows/MacOS/Android ?

You need install any versions of python.

Download runtime Python compailer from Python web site ( for Windows systems ): - https://www.python.org/downloads/ OR Insatall with command in Linux based systems: - sudo apt-get update && apt-get install python On Mac OS: - installer -pkg python

How install deepends of python libs ?

If you have Windows after installing any version of python, you shouild Open CMD and run commands one by one: - sudo pip install time - sudo pip install termcolor - sudo pip install os

Else if you have Linux, Mac Os or Android after installing anyversion of python, open your terminal and run commands one by one: - sudo pip install time - sudo pip install termcolor - sudo pip install os

Learn how download and run this script with installing deepends ( For basic users ):

For Windows users: - install any version of python ( How to install Python is mentioned above ). - And then open CMD and type commands one by one: - 1. sudo pip install os - 2. sudo pip install termcolor - 3. sudo pip install time - Download - And then with 'cd' command go to where script located ( What's CD Command? --> https://www.digitalcitizen.life/command-prompt-how-use-basic-commands ) - Enjoy from script :)

For Linux/Mac/Android/Mac users: - After installing python, Open terminal and run commands one by one: - 1. sudo pip install os - 2. sudo pip install termcolor - 3. sudo pip install time - And then with 'cd' command go to where script located ( What's CD Command? --> https://www.digitalcitizen.life/command-prompt-how-use-basic-commands ) - Enjoy.

How can run Loop-script on Windows or Other Systems ?

Windows: Open CMD and go to path or script located. And then run script with './loop-commands.py' .

Linux/Mac/Android: Open your terminal and go to path of script located. And then run this script witn './loop-commands.py' .

Progarmmer Info:

Writen By WitBlack Hacker. Https://BugZone.ir/ VERSION: 1.0.2 COPY RIGHT 2023