- animedaisukiMelbourne
- baaaadZhejiang University
- cbstyleBeijing
- ChenAnnoWHU & PKU
- edgesqad
- Everglow-ZJU
- HarrypoterR
- HashmatShadabAbu Dhabi, UAE
- hzlhzlhzlhzl
- JacksonRed
- jing668
- Leanwithming
- lonyee1989
- lu-m13Intel Labs China
- MichaelYONGHENGNanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications
- MinliangLin
- nemodleo@PRNDcompany
- Njasa2k
- PDS99
- promeG
- Rbrq03Beijing Jiaotong University
- SiyeolJung
- Sreyan88University of Maryland, Ex-Nvidia & Cisco, MIDAS@IIIT-D, Speech Lab@IIT-M
- stopaimmeHKUST
- SunkistnDaishin Corporation
- sunpro108
- xupercoinThe Coin Company
- xzr52Nanjing university of science and technology
- Y-T-GMalaysia
- ymhzyj
- YRlin-12
- yueanga
- yuzhilin666
- zhenhua22
- zhenyucui11
- ZhouXiaolin