Dockerfiles and build scripts for generating various Docker Images related to OpenJDK. Currently this builds OpenJDK images with hotspot and Eclipse OpenJ9 on Ubuntu and Alpine Linux.
- Hotspot is supported on
. - Eclipse OpenJ9 is supported on
Please note you'll need to upgrade bash shell on Mac OS X if you're to use our Docker images on there.
The Dockerfiles and associated scripts found in this project are licensed under the Apache License 2.0..
- ${os} = alpine|debian|ubi-minimal|ubuntu|windows
- ${slim-os} = alpine|debian|ubuntu
- ${jdk-version} Eg. jdk-11.0.3_7, jdk-12.33_openj9-0.13.0
- ${jre-version} Eg. jre-11.0.3_7, jre-12.33_openj9-0.13.0
- There are two kinds of build images
- Release build images
- These are release tested versions of the JDKs.
- Associated tags:
- latest, ${os}, ${jdk-version}, ${jdk-version}-${os} - jre, ${os}-jre, ${jre-version}, ${jre-version}-${os} - slim, ${slim-os}-slim, ${jdk-version}-slim, ${jdk-version}-${slim-os}-slim
- Nightly build images
- These are nightly builds with minimal testing.
- Associated tags:
- nightly, ${os}-nightly, ${jdk-version}-${os}-nightly - jre-nightly, ${os}-jre-nightly, ${jre-version}-${os}-nightly - nightly-slim, ${slim-os}-nightly-slim, ${jdk-version}-${slim-os}-nightly-slim
- Release build images
- There are two build types
- Full build images
- This consists of the full JDK.
- Associated tags:
- latest, ${os}, ${jdk-version}, ${jdk-version}-${os} - jre, ${os}-jre, ${jre-version}, ${jre-version}-${os} - nightly, ${os}-nightly, ${jdk-version}-nightly, ${jdk-version}-${os}-nightly - jre-nightly, ${os}-jre-nightly, ${jre-version}-nightly, ${jre-version}-${os}-nightly
- Slim build images
- These are stripped down JDK builds that remove functionality not typically needed while running in a cloud.
- Associated tags:
- slim, ${slim-os}-slim, ${jdk-version}-slim, ${jdk-version}-${slim-os}-slim - nightly-slim, ${slim-os}-nightly-slim, ${jdk-version}-nightly-slim, ${jdk-version}-${slim-os}-nightly-slim
- Full build images
- There are also JDK and JRE only variants
- JDK build images
- This consists of the full JDK.
- Associated tags:
- latest, ${os}, ${jdk-version}, ${jdk-version}-${os} - slim, ${slim-os}-slim, ${jdk-version}-slim, ${jdk-version}-${slim-os}-slim - nightly, ${os}-nightly, ${jdk-version}-nightly, ${jdk-version}-${os}-nightly - nightly-slim, ${slim-os}-nightly-slim, ${jdk-version}-nightly-slim, ${jdk-version}-${slim-os}-nightly-slim
- JRE build images
- This consists of only JRE.
- Associated tags:
- jre, ${os}-jre, ${jre-version}, ${jre-version}-${os} - jre-nightly, ${os}-jre-nightly, ${jre-version}-nightly, ${jre-version}-${os}-nightly
- JDK build images
Here is a listing of the image sizes for the various build images and types for JDK Version 8
VMs | latest | slim | nightly | nightly-slim | alpine | alpine-slim | alpine-nightly | alpine-nightly-slim |
OpenJ9 | 339MB | 251MB | 344MB | 250MB | 208MB | 120MB | 213MB | 118MB |
Hotspot | 324MB | 238MB | 324MB | 238MB | 193MB | 106MB | 193MB | 106MB |
- The alpine-slim images are about 60% smaller than the latest images.
- The Alpine Linux and the slim images are not yet TCK certified.
# Steps 1-2 needs to be run on all supported arches.
# i.e aarch64, ppc64le, s390x and x86_64.
# 1. Clone this github repo
$ git clone
# 2. Build images and tag them appropriately
$ cd openjdk-docker
$ ./
# Steps 3 needs to be run only on x86_64
# 3. should be run on all supported architectures to build and push images to the
# docker registry. The images should now be available on but without multi-arch
# support. To add multi-arch support, we need to generate the right manifest lists and push them
# to The script can be used to
# generate the right manifest commands. This needs to be run only on x86_64 after docker images
# for all architecures have been built and made available on
$ ./
# We should now have the proper manifest lists pushed to to support multi-arch pulls.
Linting dockerfiles (via hadolint)
To lint generated dockerfiles run ./ - script will download hadolint binary and check all dockerfiles.
# Run to get the shasums for the latest binaries on
$ ./ $version
# You should now have two files, and These will
# have the shasums for the latest version for each of the supported arches for hotspot and
# Eclipse OpenJ9 respectively.
# You can now run to generate the Dockerfiles for all supported arches for both
# hotspot and Eclipse OpenJ9.
$ ./ $version
# will do all of the above and build the docker images for the current arch with the
# right set of tags