
BERT large test benchmark between DDP and DeepSpeed


CUDA == 11.1
NVIDIA driver >= 450.0
DeepSpeed == 0.8.1
PyTorch == 1.10.0
mpi4py == 3.1.4
openmpi == 4.1.5
apex == 0.1

How to run

# Download SQuAD v1.1 dataset and pretrained model file
./ [NODES]
./ [NODES]

APEX issue

Sometimes there is APEX issue such as UnencryptedCookieSessionFactoryConfig error in pyramid library. In this case, following below script can make solution.

git clone
cd apex
pip install -v --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --global-option="--cpp_ext" --global-option="--cuda_ext" ./