
ECML/PKDD 2023 Paper: Real: A Representative Error-Driven Approach for Active Learning

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Code for our ECML/PKDD 2023 Paper: REAL: A Representative Error-Driven Approach for Active Learning

Please cite our work if you find the code useful.

	Author = {Cheng Chen, Yong Wang, Lizi Liao, Yueguo Chen, Xiaoyong Du},
	Booktitle = {ECML/PKDD},
	Title = {REAL: A Representative Error-Driven Approach for Active Learning},
	Year = {2023}

Contact: Cheng Chen (chchen [at] ruc [dot] edu [dot] cn)

Data Preparation

Specify data dir at runbg.py in class Config

   self.data_dir = f'{home_dir}data/AL/data3/{task}/'

Except for pubmed, the classes for all the other datasets are close to be balanced.

Run the AL Process

Change to real dir under this repository, then execute

python runbg_agnews.py