This plugin has not been completed yet. Keep in mind that you cannot use this.


  • PHP 5.3.0 or greater.
  • CakePHP 2.1.3 or greater

AWS Plugin for CakePHP

This plugin is supporting following Amazon Web Services.

  • Simple Email Service(SES)
  • Maybe someday


Simple Email Service(SES)

  • Put the files into app/Plugin/Aws
  • Load this plugin by calling Cakeplugin::load('Aws'); in app/Config/bootstrap.php


// SomeController.php
public $components = array('Aws.SimpleEmail' => array(
    'accessKey' => 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX',
    'secretKey' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'),

public function sendEmail() {
    $this->SimpleEmail->subject('This is subject');
    $this->SimpleEmail->cakeText($content, 'element', 'layout');
    $res = $this->SimpleEmail->sendMail(true);
    if ($res['status'] == 200) {
        echo 'OK';
    } else {
        echo 'NG';