
A fullstack MVC Application uses Role Based Access Control in ASP.NET Identity, MySQL, LINQ and EF Core

Primary LanguageC#

Book Manager


This application implements RBAC using the Microsoft Identity suite. At its core, it allows users to maintain a collection of books, parsed as Book Data Transfer Objects from the Google Books API.

The entrypoint automates sysadmin configuration on start-up, creating admin and user roles after the initial Entity-Framework migration. Note: Admin secret is NOT stored securely at this point. This repository is a work in progress.

Technologies Used

  1. Newtonsoft.JSON
  2. Entity Framework Core
  3. LINQ
  4. RestSharp
  5. Microsoft Identity
  6. Google Books API


  1. Clone this repository
  2. run dotnet resotre and dotnet ef database update (in that order) to configure your local MySQL envrionment to the project's specs
  3. run dotnet watch run to host the project on a Kestrel server