
The first social network that is actually social.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Letus Splash

Letus Screen Letus Filtering
Letus Screen Letus Filtering

Project Structure

  • LetusApp is an Expo project for easy mobile development. see the expo docs if you are new to expo
  • LetusFunctions are a set of Azure functions to create a serverless API. see the azure functions docs if you are new to Azure function development


  • This project relies on RedisGraph - a Redis Module. By default, the project expects to use a cloud instance of the database which can be obtained for free at RedisLabs
  • This project uses GCP to both classify text and analyze sentiment. For local development, you should be able to use the free tier for both of these APIs
  • This project uses Azure Funtions which can be accessed directly in your local development. If you wish to publish these functions to the cloud, you must create your own Azure account. Tip: There is a very useful VS Code Extension to help manage your azure projects and functions.
  • This project uses Google Identity to authenticate users via web-based Oauth 2.0 Follow the Expo Google Auth documentation to create your ClientID, JavaScript origin, and authorized redirect URI. Tip: follow instructions for the Expo Go app as they are the easiest steps. If you are not using the Expo Go app during development, follow the steps based on your dev environment.


Development Setup

  • Clone this repository

LetusApp (Expo)

  • cd LetusApp
  • npm install --global expo-cli
  • expo install
  • create a .env.local file to store your local configuration
  • set the value of LETUS_API_URL to the location of your API (can use .env if local functions)
  • set the value of GOOGLE_WEB_CLIENT_ID to use a Web OAUTH credential created in your Google Identity account.
  • set value of firebase config in the .env or .env.local file
  • expo start
  • press i to launch iOS simulator or a for android. (note: android simulator requires Android Studio and sdk setup)


  • Azure functions can be run locally. The recommended option is to use VS Code Extension and then use f5 to launch in debug mode
  • Configure the following environment variables (either in local.settings.json or in Azure)
    • REDIS_HOST The host of the RedisGraph database
    • REDIS_PORT The port used by the RedisGraph database
    • REDIS_PASS Password for the default Redis user
    • REDIS_GRAPH The name of the graph to use
    • GCP_API_KEY Google Cloud Platform API Key used for Language processing (AnalyzeSentiment and ClassifyText)
  • Add your serviceAccount.json file to LetusFunctions/shared to configure the API's firebase-admin


RedisGraph (on RedisLabs)

Express local setup (local Expo Go App only)

You can run just the Expo Go App localy to use, and develop, the react native app. By accessing existing (free) firebase auth and existing (free) Azure functions deployed for DEV only.

  • Copy the contents of env.dev.example into your .env file
  • Launch the app via expo start
  • Register a new user via the mobile simulator and you're in!

RedisGraph Commands

Note: App was developed using free Redis Enterprise Cloud database with RedisGraph module: redis-12183.c251.east-us-mz.azure.cloud.redislabs.com

Redis Insight

  • GetPosts - The core of Letus. Uses cypher to traverse the current user's network and return the relevant, most recent posts:
    MATCH (me:Person {userid: $userid}) 
      OPTIONAL MATCH (me)-[:ignores]->(ign:IgnoreSetting) 
      WITH me, ign  
      MATCH (poster:Person)-[:posted]->(post:Post) 
      WHERE (poster = me OR (poster)-[:friended]-(me)) 
      AND (NOT (post)-[:inCategory]->(:Category {name:ign.category}) AND NOT (post)<-[:posted]-(:Person {userid:ign.poster})) 
      WITH post, poster, me 
      OPTIONAL MATCH (post)-[:hasComment]->(comment:Comment)<-[:commented]-(commenter:Person) 
      WHERE commenter = me OR (commenter)-[:friended]-(me) 
      WITH me, post, poster, collect(comment) as comments, collect(commenter) as commenters 
      ORDER BY post.created DESC 
      SKIP $skip
      LIMIT $limit
      RETURN post, poster, comments, commenters
  • CreatePost - Creates a new post with additional information from NLP processing.
    MATCH (me:Person {userid:$userid}) ${categories
    (cat, index) =>
        'MERGE (cat' + index + ':Category {name: $cat' + index + '})'
    ' '
    MERGE (sentiment:Sentiment {name: $sentiment}) 
    CREATE (me)-[:posted]->(post:Post {text:$text,created:$now}) 
    MERGE (post)-[:hasSentiment]->(sentiment) ${categories
    .map((cat, index) => 'MERGE (post)-[:inCategory]->(cat' + index + ')')
    .join(' ')} 
    RETURN post
  • AddComment - Add your comment to a connection's Post.
    MATCH (me:Person), (post:Post) 
    WHERE me.userid = $userid 
    AND ID(post) = $onPost 
    CREATE (me)-[:commented]->(comment:Comment {text:$text,created:$now}) 
    CREATE (post)-[:hasComment]->(comment) 
    RETURN post
  • AddFriend - Add a new connection from your direction. Note: single-direction :friended relationships determine pending friend requests
    MATCH (me:Person { userid: $userid }) 
    MATCH (them:Person { userid: $themid })
    MERGE (me)-[:friended]->(them)
    RETURN me, them
  • GetFriendRequests - Return the list of Person nodes who have :friended you but are not friended by you.
    MATCH (me:Person {userid: $userid}) 
    WITH me 
    MATCH (them:Person)-[:friended]->(me) 
    WHERE NOT (me)-[:friended]->(them) 
    RETURN them
  • AddIgnoreSetting - Add a new IgnoreSetting to a User
    MATCH (me:Person { userid: $userid }) 
    MERGE (me)-[:ignores]->(ignore:IgnoreSetting {poster:$themid, category: $category, sentiment: $sentiment})
    RETURN me, ignore
  • FindFriends - Search for unfriended People by name
    MATCH (them:Person) 
    MATCH (me:Person {userid:$userid}) 
    WHERE NOT them.userid = $userid 
    AND them.name STARTS WITH $name 
    AND NOT (me)-[:friended]->(them) 
    RETURN them

NLP Commands

Using the free tier of GCP Natural Language, we apply both sentiment analysis and text classification to all posts made in the system.

  • AnalyzeSentiment

    const sslCreds = getApiKeyCredentials();
    const client = new language.LanguageServiceClient({ sslCreds });
    const document = {
      content: text,
      type: 'PLAIN_TEXT',
    const [result] = await client.analyzeSentiment({ document: document });
    sentiment = mapSentiment(result.documentSentiment.score || 0);
  • ClassifyText - Returns a list of matching NLP Categories

    let content = text;
    // GCP requires 20 words
    // we pad with prepositions if between 10-19 words for max coverage
    if (len < 20) {
      content = [...content.split(' '), ...preps.slice(0, 20 - len)].join(' ');
    const sslCreds = getApiKeyCredentials();
    const client = new language.LanguageServiceClient({ sslCreds });
    const document = {
      type: 'PLAIN_TEXT',
    const [result] = await client.classifyText({ document: document });
    categories = result.categories || [];