Mayo Front End Challenge

In this challenge, we would like you to build the front-end of a small web page from a prototype currently in Sketch.

Design Specs

  • Sketch Inspect: Will allow you to inspect for colors, padding, sizing, etc.
    The design is also provided in static images within the assets > designs folder.


  • Build a working protoype based on provided design using HTML5, CSS and JavaScript.
  • The navigation should be populated using the navigation.json file.
  • The form button does not need to submit, however, it should have actual form elements.
  • The deliverables should be static HTML/CSS/JS files, if you decide to use a framework like Vue or React, please generate a static version of the page. While their use is not prohibited, the markup should be as clean and free of unnecessary elements.
  • Page should be responsive
  • Page should be optimized
  • Page should be 508 compliant
  • Page should be compatible with Chrome, Firefox, and Edge

* Please do not use any frameworks like jQuery, Tailwind or Bootstrap

Getting Started

  • Clone this repo
  • Create a new branch using naming: First-Last-Front-End-Challenge
  • Upon completion of the project, commit your changes and push into origin.
  • You should then see a Pull Request
  • Email and to notify them you are done with the challenge.