Textpattern CMS 4.5.4 Released under the GNU General Public License. See LICENSE.txt for terms and conditions. Includes contributions licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License. See LICENSE-LESSER.txt for terms and conditions. Includes contributions licensed under the New BSD License. == Installation == * Extract the files to your site (in the web root, or choose a subdirectory). The top-level index.php should reside in this directory, as should the /textpattern/ and the /rpc/ directory. * The .htaccess file, located in the root directory, is hidden by default on Mac OS X systems. Make sure this file is transferred across correctly to your install destination. Most FTP clients or IDEs will have an option to show these hidden files. Otherwise, you can temporarily show hidden files in the OS by using the terminal.app - follow these instructions: http://textpattern.com/hidden-files-osx * Create or establish the existence of a working MySQL database, load /textpattern/setup/ (or /subpath/textpattern/setup/) in a browser, and follow the directions. == Upgrading == * Log out of the admin-side. * Verify the existence of a working database and file backup. * Replace the three files in your main installation directory (index.php, css.php and .htaccess), everything in your /rpc/ directory and everything in your /textpattern/ directory (except config.php) with the corresponding files in this distribution. css.php and /rpc/ might not yet exist in your current site. * It is recommended that you flush the cache of your browser, to ensure old cached files are not being used in preference of any newer versions within the upgrade. * When you login to the admin-side, the relevant upgrade script is run automatically. Please take a look into diagnostics to find out whether there are any errors and whether the correct version number is displayed. NOTE: Upgrades from versions below 4.2.0 will present this warning upon your very first login to the admin-side: Warning: Unknown column 'user_name' in 'where clause' select name, val from txp_prefs where prefs_id=1 AND user_name='' in /path/to/your/site/textpattern/lib/txplib_db.php on line xx This is expected behaviour for the very first login after an upgrade. Every further move in the admin side will not throw an error message. * Verify all preference settings. == Getting Started == * FAQ is available at http://textpattern.com/faq/ * In-depth documentation and a comprehensive tag index is available in the Textpattern documentation at http://textpattern.net/ * You can get support and information via: Forum: http://forum.textpattern.com/ Twitter: http://textpattern.com/@textpattern Google+: http://textpattern.com/+ Facebook: http://textpattern.com/facebook * If you are running an Apache web server, rename the @.htaccess-dist@ file in the "/files" directory to ".htaccess" to prohibit direct URL access to your files. Thus the only route to these files becomes through "/file_download". We recommend you consider employing this feature or that you move your "/files" directory out of a web-accessible location. Once moved, you can tell Textpattern of your new directory location from the Advanced Preferences. * There are additional resources for the default front-side theme, such as Sass preprocessor files and extra feature modules, available at: http://textpattern.com/default-theme/tree/master/ == IMPORTANT == * Check back regularly at http://textpattern.com to see if updates are available. Updates are as painless as possible, and often fix important bugs or security-related issues.