
a space for hacking responsive SPAs with a python backend

Primary LanguageJavaScript


a combination CDN + API


fulcrum consists of a backend and a frontend. The backend is made with flask and serves the frontend. The frontend is a react app that can send request to backend endpoints and beyond.


All that's required is that the server is started. Being that the server is written in python, you'll need a python environment. I'd recommend using pyenv, but if you wanna skip the fancy stuff, just run the following in your terminal:

python3 -m pip install nox

Once nox is installed, navigate to the "backend/" directory. Use nox -l to see the list of possible environments that can be created--e.g.

* backend-venv-3.6
* backend-venv-3.7
* backend-venv-3.8
* backend-venv-3.9

If your version of python3 is 3.9, you'll need to activate your nox environment and do so with

source .nox/backend-venv-3.9/bin/activate

Now the flask server can be started. To start the server, simply run

python app.py --host=


Checkout the issues page for this repo. Feel free to comment or ask questions on the issue itself. If there's an issue you'd like to work on, please do so on a branch that includes:

  • the issue number
  • some hyphenated description of the work being done Named something like: