A curated list of Microservice resources
Inspired by the awesome list thing.
- Monolithic architecture from Chris Richardson
- Microservices architecture from Chris Richardson
- API Gateway from Chris Richardson
- Bounded Context from Martin Fowler
- Circuit Breaker from Martin Fowler
- Circuit Breaker ~ netflix
- Multiple service instances per host
- Service instance per host
- Service instance per VM
- Service instance per Container
- Client-side discovery from Chris Richardson
- Server-side discovery from Chris Richardson
- Service registry from Chris Richardson
- Self registration from Chris Richardson
- 3rd party registration from Chris Richardson
- Service discovery with consul & etcd
- PaaS vs. IaaS for Microservices Architectures: Top 6 Differences
- PaaS与IaaS 在微服务架构实现方面的6大不同 PaaS vs. IaaS for Microservices Architectures: Top 6 Differences in Chinese
- O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference大会上对微服务架构的探讨总结
- Microservices Are Not a free lunch!
- The Hidden Costs of Microservices by Justin Leitgeb
- Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder
- The Black Swan
- Implementing Domain-Driven Design
- Building Micro Services - Sam Newman
- Building Micro Services - Sam Newman Downloadable preview edition
- Antifragile Software - Russ Miles
- software-architecture-patterns from O`REILLY in English
- software-architecture-patterns from O`REILLY in Chinese
- Production Ready Microservices - Susan J. Fowler
- Microservices in Production - Susan J. Fowler (free ebook)
- Microservices - Martin Fowler
- State of the Art in Microservices - Adrian Cockcroft
- Deploying And Testing Microservices - Sam Newman
- Microservices Anti-Patterns
- Practical Considerations For Microservice Architectures - Sam Newman
- Migrating to Microservices - Adrian Cockcroft
- Microservices at Netflix
- Microservices: Adaptive Systems for Innovative Organizations
- Pros and Cons of a MicroServices Architecture talk at AWS ReInvent
- Chris Richardson: Developing event-driven microservices with event sourcing and CQRS
- 微服务 在InfoQ上的内容
- Microservices on InfoQ website
- service principles from Yelp-A guide to service principles at Yelp for our service oriented architecture
- Adopting Microservices at Netflix serial 1: It’s Time to Move to a Four-Tier Application Architecture
- 第一部分:是时候转移到四层架构上来了/
- Adopting Microservices at Netflix serial 2: Adopting Microservices at Netflix: Lessons for Architectural Design
- 第二部分:微服务架构在Netflix的应用:架构设计的经验教训
- Adopting Microservices at Netflix serial 3: Adopting Microservices at Netflix: Lessons for Team and Process Design
- 第三部分:微服务架构在Netflix的应用:团队和流程设计相关的经验教训
- Microservices - A Reality Check(point)by Andrew Harmel-Law — on Development, Microservices, Java, Camel, NetflixOSS, Spring 17 Oct 2014
- Idempotency is not a Medical Condition - Pat Helland
- Martin Fowler - You Must Be This Tall To Use Microservices
- Adrian Cockroft - Migrating to Microservices
- Michael Nygaard - Stability Patterns, and Ant-Patterns…
- Eric Evans - Domain Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software
- Uncle Bob - Microservices and Jars
- Steve Jones - Microservices - Money for old rope or re-badging SOA for the cool kids
- Sonu K. Meena - How to build microservice?
- Introduction to Microservices
- 微服务实战(一):微服务架构的优势与不足
- Building Microservices: Using an API Gateway
- 微服务实战(二):使用API Gateway
- Building Microservices: Inter-Process Communication in a Microservices Architecture
- 微服务实战(三):深入微服务架构的进程间通信
- 微服务实战(四):服务发现的可行方案以及实践案例
- Service Discovery in a Microservices Architecture
- Event-Driven Data Management for Microservices
- 微服务实践(五):微服务的事件驱动数据管理
- 0 to Microservice in 5 minutes with Go, go-microservice-template and Minke
- 5分钟学习基于Go,go-microservice-template,Minke的微服务
- REST真的完全适合微服务架构吗?
- Microservice架构模式简介
- 单元化与分布式架构的切分问题
- 一个单元化架构的例子
- Microservice微服务架构两年来在京东咚咚从理论到落地的实践总结
- Chris Richardson has published the example code for his QCONSF talk on building event-driven microservices. The example microservices-based application is built using event sourcing and command query responsibility separation (CQRS). There are currently two versions of the application - Scala/Spring and Java/Spring - with others to follow. Take a look!
- Building Microservices with Open Source Technologies by Suresh Balla
- 如何做实时监控?—— 参考 Spring Boot 实现
- 深入学习微框架:Spring Boot
- NetflixOSS Acme Air Sample and Benchmark
- Experiments With Docker For Acme Air Dev
- CRUD using Spring Data Rest and AngularJS using Spring Boot
- microservice of convert html to pdf
- Microservices tests with RabbitMQ and Docker
- A demonstration of a Microservices architecture using Spring Boot, Docker and Fig.
- Experiments with microservices and Docker
- Example code for my building and deploying microservices with event sourcing, CQRS and Docker presentation
- Some idea of how micro-services can be handled using SkyDNS, SkyDock and Docker
- This is a presentation on Docker held at FINN Architecture Summit - Service Orientation on 2015.01.21.
- Dummy project to try out new tools for me like Docker and RabbitMQ
- OAuth2 authentication server designed to work in a docker-based microservices architecture.
- James Lewis
- Sam Newman
- Russ Miles
- Martin Fowler
- Chris Richardson
- Daniel Woods
Many thanks to Owain Lewis and Chris Richardson i5ting