Integreatly Installation


The purpose of this repository is to provide a set of Ansible playbooks that can be used to install a range of Red Hat middleware products on Openshift.

These products include:

  • Single Sign On
  • EnMasse
  • Fuse iPaaS


  • Ansible v2.6
  • Openshift Container Platform v3.9
  • Openshift CLI (OC) v3.9
  • SSH Access to Openshift master(s)
  • Cluster administrator permissions

Installation Steps

Existing Openshift v3.9 clusters

The following section demonstrates how to install each of the products listed above on an existing Openshift cluster.

1. Clone installation GIT repository locally

git clone

2. Update inventory hosts file

Prior to running the playbooks the master hostname and associated SSH username need to be added to the inventory file. The following example sets the SSH username to evals and the master hostname to







3. Run Single Sign On install playbook

cd evals/
ansible-playbook -i inventories/hosts playbooks/rhsso.yml

Upon completion, a new identity provider named rh_sso should be presented on the Openshift master console login screen.

Default login credentials are / Password1

To configure custom account credentials, simply override the rhsso role environment variables by specifying user parameters as part of the install command:

ansible-playbook -i inventories/hosts playbooks/rhsso.yml -e rhsso_evals_username=<username> -e rhsso_evals_password=<password>

4. Run EnMasse install playbook

cd evals/
ansible-playbook -i inventories/hosts playbooks/enmasse.yml

Once the playbook has completed a service named EnMasse (standard) will be available in the Service Catalog. This can be provisioned into your namespace to use EnMasse.

5. Run Fuse iPaaS install playbook

cd evals/
ansible-playbook -i inventories/hosts playbooks/ipaas.yml

6. Run Launcher install playbook

Before running the playbook, create a new OAuth Application on GitHub. This can be done at Note the Client ID and Client Secret fields of the OAuth Application, these are required by the Launcher playbook.

The Launcher playbook also requires information about the existing SSO that was provisioned previously. It needs to know the route of the SSO. This can be retrieved using:

oc get route secure-sso -o jsonpath='{}' -n rhsso

It also needs to know the realm to interact with. By default this would be openshift. Finally it needs the credentials of a user to login as, by default this would be the admin user created by the SSO playbook.

Specify the following variables in the inventory files or as --extra-vars when running the playbook.

  • launcher_openshift_sso_route - The route to the previously created SSO, without protocol.
  • launcher_openshift_sso_realm - The realm to create resources in the SSO, this would be openshift by default.
  • launcher_openshift_sso_username - Username to authenticate as, this would be the admin user by default.
  • launcher_openshift_sso_password - Password of the user.
  • launcher_github_client_id - The Client ID of the created GitHub OAuth Application.
  • launcher_github_client_secret - The Client Secret of the created GitHub OAuth Application.

If using self signed certs set launcher_sso_validate_certs to no/false. Without this, an error will be thrown similar to this:

fatal: []: FAILED! => {"msg": "The conditional check 'launcher_sso_auth_response.status == 200' failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional (launcher_sso_auth_response.status == 200): 'dict object' has no attribute 'status'"}

Next, run the playbook.

cd evals
ansible-playbook -i inventories/hosts playbooks/launcher.yml

Once the playbook has completed it will print a debug message saying to update the Authorization callback URL of the GitHub OAuth Application. Once this is done the launcher setup has finished.