A WiFi clock made of falling tetris blocks. For the ESP8266 or ESP32
- 0
Time Zone won't save
#17 opened by mulscully - 0
[Feature/addition request]
#16 opened by Steph1116 - 2
Blank screen! Kindly help
#12 opened by joelvarun - 3
TFT examples ie ST7735 IL*
#7 opened by tablatronix - 1
Some digits not displaying correctly
#15 opened by TheHazyJay - 0
No interrupt on Adafruit Huzzah32 + Huzzmat
#14 opened by zubrick - 11
- 1
- 0
Update to WiFi clock Readme
#10 opened by ulwur - 2
- 20
esp8266 gfx support
#1 opened by tablatronix - 6
RGB LED matrix 64 x 32 P3 can't buy
#5 opened by LilyGO - 2
- 2
add dependancies to readme
#4 opened by tablatronix - 6
8266 example colon timing
#2 opened by tablatronix