
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This package bundles two basic tools for developers willing to build and test data requests compliant with the Witnet Oracle blockchain:

  • The Witnet Radon Typescript library, for programmatically building Witnet data requests.
  • The Witnet Toolkit command, for simulating both the resolution steps and the result that witnessing nodes in the Witnet blockchain would obtain if resolving the given data request at the present moment.

Package install

$ npm install --save-dev witnet-toolkit

Witnet Radon library

Creating parameterized Witnet data sources

const Witnet = require("witnet-toolkit")
const http_get_source_1 = Witnet.Sources.HttpGet({
    url: "https://api.coinbase.com/v2/exchange-rates?currency=\\1\\",
    script: Witnet.Script()
// ...

Creating parameterized Witnet request templates

// ...
const WitnetRequestTemplateCoinbaseTicker = Witnet.RequestTemplate({
    retrieve: [ http_get_coinbase_ticker, ],
    aggregate: Witnet.Reducers.PriceAggregate(),
    tally: Witnet.Reducers.PriceTally(),
// ...

Creating static Witnet data requests

// ...
const WitnetStaticRequestCoinbaseEthUsd6 = Witnet.StaticRequest({
    retrieve: [
            url: "https://api.coinbase.com/v2/exchange-rates?currency=USD",
            script: Witnet.Script()
    aggregate: Witnet.Reducers.Median([Witnet.Filters.Stdev(1.4), ]),
    tally: Witnet.Reducers.Mean(),

Instantiate parameterized Witnet data requests

const WitnetRequestCoinbaseEthUsd6 = Witnet.RequestFromTemplate(WitnetRequestTemplateCoinbaseTicker, [ "BTC", "USD" ]),

Generate Witnet data request bytecodes

const witnet_dr_bytecode = WitnetRequestCoinbaseEthUsd6.encode();

Using the Witnet data request dry-runner

$ npx witnet-toolkit
    npx witnet-toolkit <SUBCOMMAND>

    --help      Prints help information
    --verbose   Prints detailed information of the subcommands being run
    --version   Prints version information

    decode-query --hex <witnet-bytecode>    Decodes some Witnet data query bytecode
    trace-query --hex <witnet-bytecode>     Resolves some Witnet data query bytecode locally, printing out step-by-step information
    try-query --hex <witnet-bytecode>       Resolves some Witnet data query bytecode locally, returning a detailed JSON report

Hex strings can be programmatically exported from scripts using the Witnet Radon typescript library.