
Image Doesn't Show Occasionally

Opened this issue · 2 comments

TLKG commented

Started experiencing image-no-show a few weeks ago. Meanwhile no error output in VS' PROBLEMS, TERMINAL, OUTPUT and DEBUG CONSOLE.

<lib-ngx-image-zoom [thumbImage]=mythumb [fullImage]=mythumb [magnification]="1"

mythumb is populated with a relative path plus file name from database, for example /img/abc, abc is the file name without extension. When it occurs,

  • F12 verifies it's in the source like <img _ngcontent-emo-c230="" class="ngxImageZoomThumbnail" src="/img/abc">
  • open up Paint, drag it over to confirm it's valid and showable.
  • back to application, pull up the same record, it shows this time

Wouldn't it be caused by no extension?

Check the height and width of the img element in your browser. I had a similar issue where the width was 0. Fixed it by using the onImagesLoaded event to resize the image once it has been loaded.

@r0754497 How would you solve this ?