- 1
Support of NgOptimizedImage
#141 opened by galek - 9
Width and Height of the image
#64 opened by edu1525 - 1
- 1
- 0
Why hello - I was playing around with this issue trying to fix it within the package itself.
#149 opened by likhita-naik - 0
Fallback in case of missing thumbnail
#148 opened by aleksz - 0
Make it as standalone component.
#145 opened by karthis17 - 2
Not Working with Angular12
#144 opened by husainsr - 2
Image Doesn't Show Occasionally
#84 opened by TLKG - 1
Can I use external button to zoom in/out?
#71 opened by gopal-augment - 2
Issue with server side Rendering
#63 opened by ElesGergo - 0
Allow default zoom position
#142 opened by SimonJ-DR - 4
Angular 11 issue: Can't import the named export 'ChangeDetectorRef' from non EcmaScript module (only default export is available)
#106 opened by jdavidhermoso - 2
Angular 14 Ivy?
#107 opened by marct83 - 1
Feature request: Allow SafeUrl as image source
#129 opened by r0754497 - 2
can i use this npm package in next js ?
#120 opened by CodeWithYashu - 1
Landscape Images not working
#127 opened by Theocat321 - 3
Error while using ngx-image-zoom on Angular 14
#126 opened by davpirelli - 1
- 1
New hover-freeze and toggle-freeze
#118 opened by felipealbuquerq - 5
Zoom only when keyboard is pressed
#111 opened by nicoesiea - 4
modal dialog issues
#87 opened by dolphinsd - 4
Angular 9 shared module import
#57 opened by dlportel - 2
Can't bind to 'scrollParentSelector' since it isn't a known property of 'ngx-image-zoom'.
#58 opened by rafialikhan - 18
Angular 10 compatibility
#77 opened by JTray123 - 3
Image create without alt and title
#91 opened by jmtalves - 3
- 2
Pan image with toggle zoom
#53 opened by AaronLavers - 0
Request for a "click-toggle" zoom mode
#86 opened by bgl3317 - 1
Scroll zoom in conjunction with 'toggle' mode
#68 opened by es-kan - 2
- 1
- 3
- 1
- 2
Can I use this for PDF is it possible my requirement is like that,suggest me how to dol
#69 opened by senthil123kumar - 2
'ngx-image-zoom' is not a known element
#90 opened by aman-technyx - 4
"ERROR: An unhandled exception occurred: No projects support the 'serve' target." when trying to serve project
#61 opened by rendlp - 2
Two Issues: 1) Zoom-in shows content from cache. 2) Zoom-out using mouse wheel got opposite
#83 opened by TLKG - 1
What to do if the image download has an error
#81 opened by aceleghin - 1
Feature request: currnet zoom level @Output
#79 opened by siovene - 0
- 7
width and height with 0px
#51 opened by giovannidias1 - 0
Image zoom problem
#72 opened by rafaellSilv4 - 0
do not zoom in a dialog
#73 opened by rafaellSilv4 - 0
Relative Lens Width and Height
#70 opened by EmaSciacca - 0
CSS cursor has no effect inside NgbModal
#67 opened by Pr0methean - 1
- 1
Improper zoom cursor calculation on ROTATED images
#56 opened by rendlp - 1
Ivy peer dependencies #refactor_for_angular9
#54 opened by glemartret - 2