
log class

Primary LanguagePHP

Log Module


require '/path/to/witty.php';

$log = Witty::instance('Log');

$log->debug('hello world');

config file content

return array(
	'Log' => array(
		'loggers' => array(
			'base' => '/path/to/base/dir/', // it will be prefixed to reset item
			'system' => 'system',
			'app' => 'app'
		// this is the method you call call , eg: $log->debug
		'levels' => array('DEBUG', 'INFO', 'ERROR', 'WARN', 'FATAL'),
		// there can be many adapters
		'adapters' => array(
			'file' => array(
				'level' => array('DEBUG'),
				'formatter' => 'generic',
				'enabled' => true, // set to false to disable this adapter
				'config' => array(
					'dir' => '/home/lzyy/lab/tmp/log',
		// you can define custom formatters
		'formatters' => array(
			'generic' => '{time} {level} [{logger}] {uri} """{message}"""',

log content demo

# 2011-01-20.log
2011/01/20 23:38:40 DEBUG [app.test] /lab/tmp/demo/app/test.php """hello world"""
2011/01/20 23:40:29 DEBUG [system.core] /lab/tmp/demo/system/core.php """foo bar, some message"""