
This repository is for practicing the Github Flow.


This repository is for practicing the Github Flow.

Tutorial Source: https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/start-your-journey/hello-world

Since this repository is public. It's a bit shy for me to spread my ideas. Therefore, I decide to take notes about what I've learned so far:

  • Terms
    • Nouns
      • Repository
      • Main
        • Think of it as the Final Version of the project
      • Feature
        • The adjustment made alongside the building of the project
      • Commits
        • The saved changes
    • Verbs
      • Branch
        • To clone the main project that you’re interested in
        • What you can do:
          • To create a new feature
          • To name the new feature contributed by you
        • Intuitive thinking
          • Allowing good and bad versions of changes to live together.
        • Use case scenario
          • The BRANCHING of the VERSION created
      • Pull in
        • To check the branches made by other developers