Sample project illustrating building nice, small cross-platform JavaFX or Swing desktop apps with native installers while still using the standard Maven dependency system.
- 22996963
- anamauad@WiproOpenSource
- arjvik@etched-ai, @StanfordNLP @ SAIL
- avitryOdev
- BillWadley
- cosminpopescu14Ericsson
- DannRom
- dgroupCiklum
- dschulzHohenau, Paraguay
- duncanmak@ElementalCognition @microsoft @xamarin
- FDelportewebtechie.be - Pi4J - CoderDojo
- JanSimekPrague, Czechia
- jchildressRichmond, TX
- jencruz21Philippines
- jseths
- kamil-sita
- krasaCzech Republic
- lh39Germany
- lucaguadaTrydent
- lucasstarszRochester Institute of Technology
- MartinPesekPrague, Czech Republic
- mike-ensorGoogle
- MysterAitch
- Neuw84Amazon Web Services
- newk5
- NithanimSomewhere with trains
- o4codesNigeria
- phlppnhllngrMunich, Germany
- proteus-russProteus
- QuigonJohnn
- tdsanchezPhoenix, AZ, USA
- tivrfoa
- tsimbalyuk-sergiyKyiv, UA
- westinyang@muetech
- yerocCalgary, AB
- zhixiangteohAnn Arbor, MI