- 10
- 19
#85 opened by fukemy - 2
Web implementation
#50 opened by axhamre - 1
Add a podspec
#61 opened by elisechant - 2
#71 opened by theianjohnson - 2
Not working with React Native 0.62.0
#66 opened by honey93 - 1
- 0
[IOS] keyboard doesn't scroll up accordingly when used inside a 'formSheet' modal ?
#70 opened by a-eid - 2
Paste option is not working
#55 opened by jahicDario - 2
'React/RCTUIManager.h' file not found
#54 opened by sundariragavan - 2
- 6
Possible uppercase bug?
#47 opened by brunolemos - 0
- 12
Enter key did not insert new line
#18 opened by manrashid - 3
:react-native-autogrow-textinput:verifyReleaseResources FAILED AAPT: error: resource android:attr/colorError not found.
#51 opened by zedtux - 0
Different fontSize even with TextInput and AutoGrowingTextInput set to same size?
#49 opened by acomito - 0
.clear() does not clear TextInput
#48 opened by felixchan - 5
Module seems incompatible with RN > 0.48 : no visible @interface for 'RCTTextView' declares the selector 'textViewDidChange'
#31 opened by BricePissard - 5
- 1
Not resize input box
#22 opened by 1fabiopereira - 7
- 6
not work at react-native@0.47.2 Android
#28 opened by huanghaodong - 3
Cannot read property 'bool' of undefined
#42 opened by deejaygeroso - 4
Why the increase is not proportional?
#27 opened by gHashTag - 0
#40 opened by cnabs - 2
please upgrade react version
#35 opened by can-cc - 1
- 0
Double dispatch async to main queue
#33 opened by lxcid - 0
autogrow textinput inside scrollview
#30 opened by developer239 - 0
autogrow textinput inside scrollview
#29 opened by developer239 - 8
Not content auto scroll-down when typing
#24 opened by janaka120 - 3
Not working
#23 opened by eggybot - 1
Breaking change for RN 0.46
#21 opened by dannycochran - 5
- 2
- 1
Placeholder's default text color
#17 opened by LAITONEN - 3
AutoGrowTextInput inside ScrollView
#16 opened by VictorVarghese - 2
textAlign not workiing on iOS
#14 opened by skptl - 0
Easier linking (update Readme)
#13 opened by peacechen - 1
- 2
- 1
Doesn't work with setNativeProps
#2 opened by JonathanWi