
Dotted Chinese Pixel Fonts 点点像素 | 开源的中文像素字体

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Dotted Chinese Pixel Fonts 点点像素 | 开源的中文像素字体

About 关于

Dotted Chinese Pixel is a set of open source Chinese pixel-art fonts released under GPL 2.0. More than 22,000 Unicode glyphs are supported, covering all GBK charset entries.

点点中文像素字体是一组基于 GPL 2.0 协议开源发布的中文像素艺术字体,每 种字体均支持超过 22000 个 Unicode 字形,覆盖 GBK 编码中的全部简繁体汉 字。

Current Dotted Chinese Pixel fonts are derived from a bitmap font created by the WenQuanYi project. They are transformed and retouched based on a vectorized version of WenQuanYi Bitmap Song. WenQuanYi Bitmap Song is a free open source font licensed under GPL 2.0. See wenq.org for more info.

目前发布的点点像素字体都是基于文泉驿项目所创建的一 种点阵字体衍生而来的。它们是文泉驿点阵宋体经矢量化之后,通过变形、美化 而得到的。文泉驿点阵宋体是基于 GPL 2.0 协议开源的自由字体。请访问 wenq.org 以获取该字体的更多信息。

See converter/ for the source code that is used to automatically vectorize WenQuanYi Bitmap Song then transform the glyphs into OpenType fonts in different styles.

参考 converter/ 中的源代码。该代码自动将文泉驿点阵宋体中的字型矢量化,然后变形加工为不 同风格的 OpenType 字体。

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Examples 字体样例