
LogSplitter is a log handler for Apache which combines the features of rotatelogs, splitlog and (in part) cronolog.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

LogSplitter                http://sourceforge.net/projects/logsplitter/

What is it?

LogSplitter is a log handler for Apache which combines the features of rotatelogs,
splitlog and (in part) cronolog.

LogSplitter allows to process all your virtual hosts logs with a single instance 
of the program, but keeping the benefits of having separate log files which don't
need further splitting.

Also, your log files will be periodically rotated and a post-rotate command can
be invoked automatically.

Who did it?

Simone Tellini, <tellini@users.sourceforge.net>

Show your support

If you use this software in a production environment and/or you wish to show 
your support, you can get me something off one of the Amazon wish-lists of 
mine, located at 





 - GCC 3.4


"./configure; make install" should compile and install the logsplitter executable
in your bin directory. 

You also need to create a directory to store the state file. For instance:

    mkdir /var/run/logsplitter
    chown www.www /var/run/logsplitter
    chmod 0750 /var/run/logsplitter

(assuming that you run Apache as user www, group www)


LogSplitter is meant to be used as a piped log in the main Apache configuration.
It expects the virtual host to be the first token of log lines. This can be 
achieved with the following Apache directives, for instance:

	LogFormat "%v %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" combined_vhost
	CustomLog "|/usr/local/bin/logsplitter /etc/logsplitter.ini" combined_vhost

You need to pass the name of the config file to use on the command line. 
An example configuration file is shown below:

; credentials for the process. This user/group must have write access to the 
; logs directory
User   		= www
Group		= www
; where to save the state file
StateFile	= /var/run/logsplitter/state.ini

; where to log lines of hosts which aren't defined elsewhere in this file
; if omitted, those lines will be ignored
Path   		= /var/log/www/access_log
; rotation period. Unit can be "days", "hours" or "seconds" (without quotes)
;Period      = <value> <unit>
; default value is:
Period      = 1 days
; if specified, this will be launched after the rotation of the log.
; %f will be replaced with the old log file, %h with the host name
PostRotate	= /path/to/script %f

[Host www.test.com]
Path 		= /var/log/www/www.test.com-access_log
Period		= 2 hours
; assuming that logminer.ini defines the path for www.test.com as
; /var/log/www/www.test.com-access_log.old
PostRotate	= /usr/local/bin/logminer /etc/logminer.ini %h

After editing the configuration, you need to restart apache (at least using
"apachectl graceful").

In case you're wondering what's logminer, browse to http://logminer.sourceforge.net/