
A sample angular application

MIT LicenseMIT

Job Candidate Manager

We need an app for a small company to keep track of their vacancies and their applicants.

  • The app should have a list of vacancies. A user can add, edit, or close a vacancy,
  • A job vacancy has the following attributes:
  Job Title (Max 50 Characters)
  Basic Description (Max 150 Characters)
  Salary Range (Should come from a list of predefined values)
  Part Time/Full Time
  • Upon creating a vacancy, other users should be able to apply for that role using a sharable link such as /vacancies/{vacancy_id}/apply,
  • No user should be able to apply for a vacancy more than once (using a certain email) But they can apply for more than one role,
  • Users should be able to filter the list of vacancies by their Job Title,
  • Users can drill into a job vacancy and see the list of applicants for that role,
  • Users can change the status of each applicant to "Yes", "No", "Maybe"
  • Users should be able to filter the applicants' list for a role by their status,
  • Applicants have the following attributes:
First Name (max 50 characters), 
Last Name (max 50 characters), 
Email (valid email),
Description (can be just text based, max 100 characters)


  • No formal authentication is required for the MVP version. Anyone can add, edit, ... a vacancy. The same thing for applying for a job.
  • For the MVP, there is no need to build the backend. You can use https://github.com/angular/in-memory-web-api to mock the API.
  • Focus on the MVP and refine further when you finish the first pass. The requirements are very loose for the MVP version, but feel free to refine it as much as you want later.
  • Fork this repository and submit Pull Request as often as you want so that we can review your code. Use your name as the title of your PR.

Good Luck