This is a simple volume controller that is not using any private headers. Technically this would be able to pass Apple's review process.
##How to use:
Simply copy the VolumeControlClass.swift into your project and then somewhere in your project call VolumeControl.sharedInstance
in your first view to avoid Volume Control not initializing in time.
###Getting current volume level
- Returns a float between 0-1 that contains the volume level
###Setting the volume level
VolumeControl.sharedInstance.setVolume(volume : Float)
- Sets the volume to a value between 0-1
###Turn up the volume one notch
- Turns up the volume by 0.0625 which is Apples standard
###Turn down the volume one notch
- Turns down the volume by 0.0625 which is Apples standard
- Solve issue of sharedInstance not initiating in time to get current volume
- Transform it into a pod file to allow easier installation
- Add comments to current code
- Create unit tests for class
##Author Wizages
##License MIT