
Searching thought pip when hard times strike

Primary LanguagePython


Wrapping the needs of a "pip search" command necessity through PyPi.org

Installation & Usage

Install with pip install pip_search

Use with pip_search anything

You can specify sorting options :

  • pip_search -s name
  • pip_search -s version
  • pip_search -s released

To use as the traditional pip search <keywords> method, add this alias to your .zshrc, .bashrc, .bash_profile, etc.

alias pip='function _pip(){
    if [ $1 = "search" ]; then
        pip_search "$2";
    else pip "$@";

For fish users, run on fish shell:

function pip --wraps="pip"
    set command $argv[1]
    set -e argv[1]
    switch "$command"
        case 'search'
            pip_search $argv
        case '*'
            command pip $command $argv

funcsave pip

Then run with pip search


Hold the command or ctrl key to click on the folder icons as a hyperlink.


  • bs4
  • rich
  • requests

Updates log

  • 0.0.11

    • Added date format options
  • 0.0.10

    • Added sorting options
    • Changes thanks to @dsoares and @genevera
  • 0.0.9

    • Hotfix for Python 3.8 to 3.10 compatibility
    • Changes thanks to @jiyeqian
  • 0.0.8 (deleted for compatibility issues with python 3.8 to 3.10)

    • Updated for better compatibility and better display
    • Changes thanks to @RCristiano
  • 0.0.7

    • Merge from pip_search_color, colorized output with hyperlink features
    • Changes thanks to @kkatayama
  • 0.0.6

    • Parsing with beautiful soup, allowing results with one package to be parsed
    • Changes thanks to @nsultova
  • 0.0.4

    • Adding multiple keywords support
    • Adding usage info
    • Changes thanks to @Maxz44