Easy API testing with zero code
- nodejs v18
- clone the repository:
git clone git@github.com:wizard425/hackathon2022.git
- install main packages:
yarn install
- install server packages:
cd server
yarn server install
- install client packages:
cd client
yarn client install
- click on the application menu
- click on"Add-ons and themes" (ctrl + shift + a)
- under the "Extensions" tab, click the settings icon
- click on"Debug Add-ons"
- click on "Load Temporary Add-on..."
- select the "manifest.json" in "hackathon2022/extension"
cd db
docker compose up -d
cd ..
yarn server start
yarn client start
- navigate to
Kob Samuel, Weissenhorn Lukas, Kirchler Lion, Theiner Christian