
Wizardwerdna'a AngularJS Development Environment

Primary LanguageCSS



Wiz-Dev-Env is the node a node and angular based environment used for my "Superheroic Katas" screencasts. It is an excellent vehicle for building applications from scratch using TDD. Scripts are provided for testing, serving a development browser, developing a production build with full minification of assets and deploying the app to Heroku.

Underlying technologies include:

  1. NodeJS
  2. Bower
  3. AngularJS
  4. Karma/Jasmine/PhantomJS/Angular-Mocks
  5. Twitter Bootstrap/Sass
  6. Gulp and many many supporting plugins

For a complete list, review the package.js and bower.json files.

Setting up the Global Environment.

To use this environment, you will need to install nodeJS (with NPM), bower, karma-cli and gulp.

Installing Git, NodeJS and NPM

If you haven't already, install git. Git can be obtained from various sources.

If you haven't already, install nodejs and npm by using the files provided at the nodejs.org website.

Installing Global Application Code

From the command line, install bower, karama-cli and gulp

sudo npm install -g bower
sudo npm install -g karma-cli
sudo npm install -g gulp

Building a new project

The following code should set up a new project in directory "foo."

git clone https://github.com/wizardwerdna/wiz-dev-env.git foo
npm install && bower install

Karma configuration

The karma configuration should run properly right out of the box, with

karma start

which should autoload all code you place in the tests directory, and all scripts placed in the app directory. Angular-mocks (particularly the module and inject helper functions) should be readily available from the tests.

Template Cache

You should be able to load any html files in the app directory, precompiled into js and available from the template cache, for example, with


Utilty functions

Wiz-Dev-Env provides two utility functions for building a dynamic angular page object from html in the tests.

ngFromHtml(<string>[, <initialization>])

returns an angularjs object compiled from <string> and applied to a $rootScope. The $rootScope is initialized with a vm property set to the optional <initialization> parameter.

ngFrom(<template string>[, <initialization>])

returns an angularjs object compiled from $templateCache( <template string>) and applied to a $rootScope. The $rootScope is initialized with a vm property set to the optional <initialization> parameter.

With index.html containing

  <div class="foo">{{1+1}}</div>

the following tests illustrate how these functions can be used

describe("Wiz-Dev-Env Utility Functions", function() {

  it("ngFromHtml Example", function() {

    var ng = ngFromHtml('<div><div class="foo">{{1+1}}</div></div>');


  it("ngFrom Example", function(){

    var ng = ngFrom('index.html');


##Gulp scripts

Wiz-Dev-Env provides a number of useful scripts for development, typically assuming that you will be driving the application from an index.html files substantially as follows:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
 <meta charset="UTF-8">
 <!-- build:css css/combined.css -->
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/app.css" media="all">
 <!-- endbuild -->
 <body ng-app>
 <!-- build:js scripts/combined.js -->
 <!-- bower:js -->
 <!-- endbower -->
 <script src="app.js"></script>
 <!-- endbuild -->

The following gulp scripts will be helpful

gulp serve

This script will insert references to the bower_components where indicated, compile scss files to css, prepare images files for webwork and launch a server on app/index.html. The script will set watches on .js, .html, .css, .scss, images files and bower.json, and will reload, rebuild and update the browser when appropriate.


gulp build

This default script will minimize asset files as appropriate, concatenate them into appropriate locations of a "dist" folder, modifying the index files stored in dist to point to the correspondingly prepared assets.
The index.html in dist can be then be used with any static server or deployed with Heroku.