
Marvell Octeon 10 Tools

Primary LanguagePython


Marvell Octeon 10 Tools

sudo podman run --pull always --rm --replace --privileged --pid host --network host --user 0 --name marvell-tools -v /:/host -v /dev:/dev -it "$IMAGE" <cmd>



Utilize the serial interface at /dev/ttyUSB1 to trigger a reset of the associated Marvell DPU


sudo podman run --pull always --rm --replace --privileged --pid host --network host --user 0 --name marvell-tools -v /:/host -v /dev:/dev -it "$IMAGE" \


Utilize the serial interface at /dev/ttyUSB0 to pxeboot the card with the provided ISO

The tool makes several assumptions.

  • The tool is for installing RHEL from an ISO via PXE. An HTTP url can be specified instead of an URL, in that case, it is downloaded to "/host/root/rhel-iso-*". You can also set "rhel:9.x" to use the latest RHEL 9.x nightly image.

  • The DPU's serial interface is on /dev/ttyUSB0.

  • The DPU's management interface (enP2p3s0) is connected back to the host (usually on "eno4", see "--dev" argument). On the DPU, a NetworkManager profile "enP2p3s0-dpu-host" will be created with static IP address (DHCP and SLAAC are enabled too). On the host, "eno4" should have address and setup NAT for forwarding traffic. The tool takes care of that, see nft list table ip marvell-tools-nat-eno4.

  • The DPU's secondary interface (enP2p2s0) is connected to the provisioning host, where we expect to run DHCP. On the DPU, a NetworkManager profile "enP2p3s0-dpu-secondary" will be created with DHCP and SLAAC enabled. If a DHCP server is running on the other end, it should also setup NAT to connect the DPU to the internet.

  • Profile enP2p3s0-dpu-secondary has a better route metric than enP2p3s0-dpu-host and will be preferred to reach the internet. Both profiles attempt DHCP/SLAAC indefinitely.

  • The host is expected to run RHEL or CoreOS. See also options "--host-setup-only" and "--host-mode". On the host:

    • It configures a NetworkManager connection profile "eno4-marvell-dpu" for "eno4" and activates it. This configuration is persisted.

    • Configures nftables (nft list table ip marvell-tools-nat-eno4) and "net.ipv4.ip_forward". This configuration is ephemeral. It can be redone after reboot with "--host-setup-only".


sudo podman run --pull always --rm --replace --privileged --pid host --network host --user 0 --name marvell-tools -v /:/host -v /dev:/dev -it "$IMAGE" \
  ./pxeboot.py --help

FW Updater

Utilize the serial interface at /dev/ttyUSB0 to update the card with the provided firmware


sudo podman run --pull always --rm --replace --privileged --pid host --network host --user 0 --name marvell-tools -v /:/host -v /dev:/dev -it "$IMAGE" \
  ./fwupdate.py --dev eno4 /host/root/flash-uefi-cn10ka-11.24.02.img


  • Ensure dhcpd, and tftpf are not actively running on the host, as these services will be handled automatically from the container
killall dhcpd
killall in.tftpd
systemctl stop tftp.service
systemctl stop tftp.socket