
vim configurations

Primary LanguageVim Script

Vim Configuration

Install like this in Windows:

$ git clone https://github.com/wizicer/dotvim.git %USERPROFILE%\vimfiles
$ cd %USERPROFILE%\vimfiles
$ install.bat

To use neovim:

:help nvim-from-vim

Configuration Markdown

To outline the vimrc file, I have a make file to generate markdown file from vimrc.

You can open it to see the comments: vimrc.md


Q: error message like below during startup.

Warning in snipMate.vim: Snippet c) is already defined. See :h multi_snip for help on snippets with multiple matches.
Warning in snipMate.vim: Snippet date is already defined. See :h multi_snip for help on snippets with multiple matches.
Warning in snipMate.vim: Snippet ddate is already defined. See :h multi_snip for help on snippets with multiple matches.

A: remove ~/.vim/plugged/snipmate.vim/snippets/ folder due to conflicts with other snippets.


  1. https://github.com/gma/dotvim
  2. http://effectif.com/vim/host-specific-vim-config