Go Take-Home Assignment

This is a Go project that uses gRPC-gateway and SQLite. It uses Viper for managing application configurations which are stored in an app.env file. The development database is dev.db.


Database Documents

The database documents are available at dbdocs.io.




A Makefile is provided to help with common tasks. Here are the commands you can run:

  • make create_migration : Create database migration e.g make create_migration name=initial_schema
  • make db_schema: Build SQL from dbml
  • make migratedown: Run migrations down
  • make migrateup: Run migrations up
  • make mock: Generate mocks
  • make prod: Run project with docker compose
  • make proto: Build proto files
  • make server: Run dev server
  • make sqlc: Build sqlc database files
  • make test: Run tests
  • make test_coverage: Run test with gocov coverage

sqlc for Database Migrations

sqlc is used to create database migrations. To create a new migration, use the command make create_migration name=<MIGRATION NAME>. Replace <MIGRATION NAME> with the name of your migration.

Buf for Protocol Buffers

We use Buf for managing our Protocol Buffers. You can use the command make proto to lint, format, and generate protobuf stubs and Swagger documentation via protoc-gen-openapiv2.

We also use protovalidate for generating validations for our protobuf models.

REST Client Extension for VS Code

We use the REST Client extension for VS Code for executing HTTP requests. You can find our test HTTP requests in the requests.http file.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run make server to start the server or with docker use make prod
  3. View the API docs and test it at http://localhost:8555/swagger/index.html
  4. Alternatively open the requests.http in VSCode with the VSCode REST Client extension enabled and siimply test the end-points.


For more information, refer to the Makefile.

Folder Structure

├── api # gRPC-Gateway API implementations
├── db # Contains all database migrations, mocks and query files
├── doc # Contains swagger documentation & database dbml docs
├── pb # Contains all generated proto stubs
├── proto # Contains proto definitions and their buf configurations
├── tools # Contains go module inclusions that are not directly accessed e.g statik
├── util # contains helper methods for configuration etc
├── app.env # .env for general API configuration
├── buf.gen.yaml # buf plugin configurations
├── buf.work.yaml # buf directory and version configurations
├── dev.db # SQLite database with dummy data
├── main.go # app central execution point
├── Makefile # helper commands
├── sqlc.yaml # sqlc database manager configurations
└── requests.http # test http requests

Further Reading