
Add and manage favorites in your MiSTer menu.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

MiSTer Favorites

Add and manage favorites in your MiSTer menu.


Check out MiSTer Extensions for other useful scripts!


  • Link shortcuts for system cores, arcade cores and games to your main MiSTer menu or a dedicated favorites folder.
  • Automatically generates .mgl files to launch games directly from the menu.
  • Supports selecting games from inside .zip files.
  • Automatically fixes broken shortcuts when a core has been updated.
  • Edit and remove existing favorite entries and folders from the GUI.
  • Works without a keyboard.


  1. Copy the favorites.sh file to your SD card's Scripts folder.
  2. Run favorites from the Scripts menu.


Favorites can be automatically updated with the MiSTer downloader script (and update_all). Add the following text to the downloader.ini file on your SD card:

db_url = https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wizzomafizzo/MiSTer_Favorites/main/favorites.json


Launch favorites from the Scripts menu and follow the prompts.


  • Can I rename the @Favorites folder?

    Yes, go for it. It's just the default. The only restriction on the name is it needs to include "fav" somewhere and start with an underscore. _#Favorites, _@Favourites and _my cool favs are all valid names and will be picked up by the script. You can also create multiple favorite directories following this convention.

  • Why can't I add games for a certain system?

    Support for direct game links depend on a core's own support for .mgl files. Submit a feature request with the core's author if you want support added. Report an issue here if you know the core already has .mgl support, and it can be added to work with this script.