
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Design and develop a simple REST (convertible to graphQL on a special route) service to power the different features on screens - Home/Index, Details, Cart and Search of this UI Prototype. This is the source code for the assessment.


  • External dependencies
    • Install PostgreSQL for development.
  • Installation
    • Install node v14 and yarn (npm i -g yarn)
    • Install dependencies using yarn
  • Configuration
    • Copy .env.example to .env and fill it in with appropriate information
  • Running
    • In development only:
      • Use npx sequelize-cli db:migrate to run migration file and create all tables in the database.
      • For the first time run SQL file located at root/seeders/db_seeders.sql on your Postgres database, To seed dummy data and ALTER tables for search functionality.
      • Use yarn test to run test.
      • Serve the application using yarn start.
      • both test and start use the same port so one should run at a time.
      • To run test, make sure server is not running. else shut down and run yarn test
      • server runs at https://localhost:4000 by default. register on the system using https://localhost:4000/api/v1/register on curl or postman
      • Endpoints located at the routes' folder.


  • I assumed that for this service to be secured we needed an authentication system which I implemented along with.

Incomplete requirements

  • Test on all features (endpoints)


  • none


  • For real time implementation of the likes and ratings I would have made use of a service like pusher to integrate into the application if there was more the time.
  • Replacing the implemented 'full-text' search with 'Elastic' search for the search feature to improve performance and speed of execution (Although this is also optimal to an extent).

Database Schema / Class Diagram

  • User

    • Relationships
      • hasOne: Cart
    • Attributes/Datatypes
      • accUUID/UUID: PK, Auto Increment
      • emailVerified/bool: default:false
      • uniqueString/text: notNull, for email verification
      • email/string: notNull,
      • password/string: notNull,
      • role/enum: default:user
  • Genre

    • Relationships
      • hasMany: Books
    • Attributes/Datatypes
      • genreName/string: notNull
  • Book

    • Relationships
      • hasMany: Likes
      • hasMany: Ratings
      • belongsTo: Genre
      • belongsToMany: Tags
      • belongsToMany: Authors
    • Attributes/Datatypes
      • title/string
      • genreId/reference
      • description/text
      • imagePath/string
      • price/double
      • copies/integer
      • publisher/string
      • featured/boolean
      • releasedDate/date
  • Tag

    • Relationships
      • belongsToMany: Books
    • Attributes/Datatypes
      • tagName/string: notNull
  • BookTag (Join Table)

    • Attributes/Datatypes
      • bookId/reference: notNull
      • tagId/reference: notNull
  • Rating

    • Relationships
      • belongsTo: User
      • belongsTo: Book
    • Attributes/Datatypes
      • rating/double: notNull (0 - 5)
      • userId/reference
      • bookId/reference
  • Like

    • Relationships
      • belongsTo: User
      • belongsTo: Book
    • Attributes/Datatypes
      • userId/reference
      • bookId/reference
  • Author

    • Relationships
      • belongsToMany: Books
    • Attributes/Datatypes
      • name/string: notNull
  • BookAuthor (Join Table)

    • Attributes/Datatypes
      • bookId/reference: notNull
      • authorId/reference: notNull
  • Cart

    • Relationships
      • belongsTo: User
      • hasMany: Item
    • Attributes/Datatypes
      • subTotal/double: default:0
  • Item

    • Relationships
      • belongsTo: Cart
      • belongsTo: Book
    • Attributes/Datatypes
      • quantity/integer