
Primary LanguagePython

  1. Download Images and Annotations from MSCOCO. By default, we assume the data is stored in $HOME/data/coco

  2. Get the coco code. We will call the directory that you cloned coco into $COCO_ROOT

git clone https://github.com/weiliu89/coco.git
cd coco
git checkout dev
  1. Build the coco code.
cd PythonAPI
python setup.py build_ext --inplace
  1. Split the annotation to many files per image and get the image size info.
# Check scripts/batch_split_annotation.py and change settings accordingly.
python scripts/batch_split_annotation.py
# Create the minival2014_name_size.txt and test-dev2015_name_size.txt in $CAFFE_ROOT/data/coco
python scripts/batch_get_image_size.py
  1. Create the LMDB file.
# Create the minival.txt, testdev.txt, test.txt, train.txt in data/coco/
python data/coco/create_list.py
# You can modify the parameters in create_data.sh if needed.
# It will create lmdb files for minival, testdev, test, and train with encoded original image:
#   - $HOME/data/coco/lmdb/coco_minival_lmdb
#   - $HOME/data/coco/lmdb/coco_testdev_lmdb
#   - $HOME/data/coco/lmdb/coco_test_lmdb
#   - $HOME/data/coco/lmdb/coco_train_lmdb
# and make soft links at examples/coco/