
A website for the Loughborough Tech Society.

Primary LanguageHTML

Loughborough Technology Society Website


Our website is built using Jekyll and hosted by Github Pages.

How to Edit the Website

  1. Install Ruby (with Devkit):


  1. Install Jekyll. Run the command:

gem install jekyll bundler

  1. Download the source code. Run the command:

git clone https://github.com/LboroTechSoc/lborotechsoc.github.io.git

  1. Run the website locally, at http://localhost:4000.\ Open a terminal in the website folder and run:

bundle exec jekyll serve

  1. Merge changes into the master branch of the lborotechsoc.github.io repository.
    The website will update with your changes after a few moments.

Trouble Installing?

Jekyll can be difficult to install on Windows. Try the following:

  1. Rather than gem install jekyll bundler run:

gem install bundler

  1. Run the command:

bundle install

  1. Continue onto step 5 of the regular steps.


Webpages are located in the /pages directory.

layout: default
title: ... # Title of the page (displayed in the browser tab)
permalink: ... # URL of the page


Page structures of the website can be found in _layouts.

This will contain html files which define what the pages should look like.

Currently there are 3 layouts:

  • default - The default layout which all pages should inherit.
  • code-and-chill - Layout for Code and Chill session pages. Inherits default.
  • workshop - Layout for workshop pages. Inherits default.


Workshop pages inherit the workshop layout, and are found in the /pages/workshops directory.

At the top of each workshop file this front-matter should be defined:

layout: workshop
title: ... # Title of the workshop
image: ... # Filename of the image to use*
categories: [ 'workshop' ] # Category so other pages can list workshops
eventDate: ... # Date of the workshop (look at previous dates for the layout)
permalink: /workshop/... # URL of the workshop
description: >
    ... # Description of the workshop, displayed in the box at the top of the page
        # This is written as HTML

* Images will be looked for within the /resources/technologies folder.

Code and Chill Sessions

Code and Chill session pages inherit the code-and-chill layout, and are found in the /pages/code-and-chill directory.

At the top of each session file this front-matter should be defined:

layout: code-and-chill
title:  ... # Title to be displayed in the webpage's tab
heading: ... # Heading of the page (usually the name and number of the session)
categories: [ 'code-and-chill' ] # Category so other pages can list sessions
eventDate: ... # Date of the session (look at previous dates for the layout)
permalink: /session/... # URL of the session
beginners_title: ... # Title of the beginners session
beginners_image: ... # Filename of the beginners session image*
advanced_title: ... # Title of the advanced session
advanced_image: ... # Filename of the advanced session image*

* Images will be looked for within the /resources/technologies folder.


The content of pages has been split up into individual files to allows them to be included separately. You can find these in the /_includes directory.

When adding one of the files into a page, use:

{% include file_name %}


Styles are written in SASS.

The /styles directory stores the files which are to be compiled into CSS and referenced in webpages.

Partial files can be found in /_sass, which contain individual styles.


Images can be found in the /resources/images directory.

If using any LSU media, make sure to abide by the LSU branch guidelines, which can be found here.