
simple tools to make my life easier

Primary LanguagePython


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Welcome to Florida, a Python utility library designed to simplify and enhance your coding experience. Florida is built with the goal of providing easy-to-use, efficient tools to aid developers in various tasks, making coding more intuitive and productive.


As of now, Florida includes the following feature:

  • dict2schema: A function that generates a schema of a dictionary's organization, showing each key and the type of its value. The schema can be returned as a string or as a nested dictionary.
  • target2index: A function that takes in a nested dictionary or list and a target key or index, and returns Python code snippets to access instances of that key or index. It's useful for navigating complex nested structures.


Currently, Florida is not available on PyPI, so it can be installed by cloning the repository:

pip install florida


from florida import dict2schema

# Example dictionary
# Example dictionary
example_dict = {
    'key1': 'value1',
    'key2': {
        'subkey1': 'subvalue1',
        'subkey2': {
            'subsubkey1': 'subsubvalue1',
            "list1": [{"test": "case"}]
        'subkey3': 123,
        'subkey4': [1, 2, 3]
    'key3': True

# Get the schema as a string
print(dict2schema(example_dict, indent=0))

# Get the schema as a dictionary
# print(dict2schema(example_dict, style="dict"))

Expected Output:

key1 (str)
key2 (dict)
    subkey1 (str)
    subkey2 (dict)
        subsubkey1 (str)
        list1 (list)
            0 (dict)
                test (str)
    subkey3 (int)
    subkey4 (list)
        0 (int)
        1 (int)
        2 (int)
key3 (bool)

Using target2index

from florida import target2index

# Example nested structure
nested_structure = {
    'item1': 'value1',
    'nested': {
        'item2': 'value2',
        'content': 'some text',
    'list': [{'content': 'another text'}, {'item3': 'value3'}]

# Get the Python code to access 'content'
print(target2index('content', nested_structure))

Expected Output



Florida is released under the MIT License.